A scientific program in support of a successful energy transition
The multi-year research program "The Future of energy" is rooted in our profound conviction that the energy sector, including the transport and housing sectors, will undergo very significant changes during the coming decades. However, the pace, form and characteristics of these changes are highly uncertain. Reducing this uncertainty is of prime importance for both, public policies and industrial investments, in order to anticipate future evolutions, to possibly steer the change in desired directions and to avoid brutal disruptions that may put our societies in danger.
From year to year the program will choose different topics to be investigated. These topics and the associated findings will be the building blocks of a global, multisector, multi-disciplinary, systemic vision of the future of energy. The chosen topics will be publicised to the research community through competitive calls for proposals and proposals selected through an evaluation procedure will be funded by the foundation. The evaluation procedure will in particular involve a review of proposals by experts mandated by the program and the selection will be done by a dedicated selection committee.
"The Future of Energy" program is only made possible thanks to generous donations. The program is supported by Total, Engie and Renault and other companies are invited to join. If you or your company wish to contribute through a donation, please contact Andreas Ehinger.
The programme The Future of Energy issues Calls for proposals on a regular basis, with changing research topics.
The calls are open to the academic research community as well as to other qualified parties (consultancies, NGOs, ....). Project duration is expected to be of the order of (several) months and funding by the programme will be limited to 50.000 Euros per project.
The program is made possible by donations from TOTALENERGIES, ENGIE and RENAULT. Other industry partners are invited to join the program, please contact andreas.ehinger@fondation-tuck.fr.
The Fondation Tuck is pleased to announce the publication of the 5th Call for proposals of its research program “The Future of Energy”.
Topics of the 2020 Call :
- Hydrogen: energy carrier of the future? Holistic SWOT analysis
Critical path analysis for deployment of renewable electricity generation
A typical work program could include several parts such as:
- Current state of the art (eventually including main historical advents);
- Possible evolution paths or scenarios, based upon available literature and/or personal information;
- Original proposals / solutions;
- Future outlook: expert's view on most likely evolutions, long term benefits and threats.
The call is open to the academic research community as well as to other qualified parties (consultancies, NGOs, ....). Project duration is expected to be of the order of (several) months and funding requests should not exceed 50.000 Euros.
For more details on the call topics, on available funding and on the application procedure, please refer to the Call Document.
Extended deadline: September 4, 2020 – 12pm Paris time
If you envisage to apply, we would be pleased to receive a short, informal message at your earliest convenience.
Contact: Andreas Ehinger - contact@fondation-tuck.fr
Please do not hesitate to inform other possibly interested parties of this Call.
The Fondation Tuck is pleased to announce the publication of the 4th Call for proposals of its research program “The Future of Energy”.
Topics of the 2018 Call :
- New relationships between energy systems and communities
- Future of liquid or gaseous energy carriers
- Climate change impacts on energy systems
A typical work program could include several parts such as:
- Current state of the art (eventually including main historical advents);
- Possible evolution paths or scenarios, based upon available literature and/or personal information;
- Original proposals / solutions;
- Future outlook: expert's view on most likely evolutions, long term benefits and threats.
The call is open to the academic research community as well as to other qualified parties (consultancies, NGOs, ....). Project duration is expected to be of the order of (several) months and funding requests should not exceed 50.000 Euros.
For more details on the call topics, on available funding and on the application procedure, please refer to the Call Document.
Extended deadline: April 30, 2018
If you envisage to apply, we would be pleased to receive a short, informal message at your earliest convenience.
Andreas Ehinger
Please do not hesitate to inform other possibly interested parties of this Call.
The Fondation Tuck is pleased to announce the publication of the 3rd Call for projects of its research program “The Future of Energy”.
Topics of the 2017 Call :
- Future of urban transportation systems for goods
- Smart energy management systems: economics and selection criteria
- Energy transition technologies: consumer expectations and citizen attitudes
A typical work program could include several parts such as:
- Current state of the art (eventually including main historical advents);
- Possible evolution paths or scenarios, based upon available literature and/or personal information;
- Original proposals / solutions;
- Future outlook: expert's view on most likely evolutions, long term benefits and threats.
The call is open to the academic research community as well as to other qualified parties (consultancies, NGOs, ....). Project duration is expected to be of the order of (several) months and funding requests should not exceed 50.000 Euros.
For more details on the call topics, on available funding and on the application procedure, please refer to the Call Document.
Application deadline: February 17, 2017
If you envisage to apply, we would be pleased to receive a short, informal message at your earliest convenience.
Andreas Ehinger
Please do not hesitate to inform other possibly interested parties of this Call.
The Fondation Tuck is pleased to announce the publication of the 2nd Call for projects of its research program “The Future of Energy”.
Topics of the 2015 Call :
- Local energy integration of urban areas
- Distributed generation, storage and use of energy in urban areas
- Energy efficient and user friendly multi-modal mobility in urban areas
A typical work program could include several parts such as:
- Current state of the art (eventually including main historical advents);
- Possible evolution paths or scenarios, based upon available literature and/or personal information;
- Original proposals / solutions;
- Future outlook: expert's view on most likely evolutions, long term benefits and threats.
The call is open to the academic research community as well as to other qualified parties (consultancies, NGOs, ....). Project duration is expected to be of the order of (several) months and funding requests should not exceed 50.000 Euros.
For more details on the call topics, on available funding and on the application procedure, please refer to the Call Document.
Application deadline: January 15, 2016
If you envisage to apply, we would be pleased to receive a short, informal message at your earliest convenience.
Andreas Ehinger
Please do not hesitate to inform other possibly interested parties of this Call.
The Fondation Tuck is pleased to announce the publication of the first Call for projects of its research program “The Future of Energy”.
Topics of the 2014 Call :
- Regional trends of energy scenarios 2030-2050 and their impact on the transport sector
- Technical and economic potential of power to gas technologies
- Energy autonomy of urban areas
The funded projects are expected to
- summarize the current situation and its historical advent;
- present different possible future evolutions or scenarios, based on available literature;
- elaborate an expert's view on most likely pathways of change.
The call is open to the academic research community as well as to other qualified parties (consultancies, NGOs, ....). Project duration is expected to be of the order of (several) months and funding requests should not exceed 50.000 Euros.
For more details on the call topics, on available funding and on the application procedure, please refer to the Call Document.
Application deadline: February 28, 2015
If you envisage to apply, we would be pleased to receive a short, informal message at your earliest convenience.
Andreas Ehinger
Please do not hesitate to inform other possibly interested parties of this Call.
Evaluation, selection and funding of projects
All proposals received in response to a Call are subject to a thorough evaluation and selection procedure. The evaluation involves in particular a review by experts mandated by the program and the selection is done by a dedicated selection committee.
Projects are (co-)funded up to a maximum amount of 50.000 Euros.
Projects funded in the framework of the Call 2020
Topics of the Call for proposals:
- Hydrogen: energy carrier of the future? Holistic SWOT analysis
Critical path analysis for deployment of renewable electricity generation
Selected projects:
- Hydrogen: from ambition to implementation - Artelys
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation
- Is renewable hydrogen a silver bullet for decarbonisation? A critical analysis of hydrogen pathways in the EU - CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation
- How will hydrogen shape a 2050 decarbonised Europe? - Yélé Consulting
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation
Projects funded in the framework of the Call 2018
Topics of the Call for proposals:
- New relationships between energy systems and communities
- Future of liquid or gaseous energy carriers
- Climate change impacts on energy systems
Selected projects:
- FRESCO – the Future of RES Communities - EUI (European University Institute) – Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies – Florence School of Regulation – Energy & Climate
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation
- Energy Community Ecosystems - Grenoble Ecole de Management
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation
- Community power: why, how and what for? - Philgea - Moringa
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation - Case studies
- Future Fuel for road freight – Techno-Economic & Environmental Performance Comparison of GHG-Neutral Fuels & Drivetrains for Heavy-Duty Trucks - LBST (Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH) and Hinicio SA
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation
- Impact of climate variability on the value of wind farms - ENSAE - Fondation de l'Ecole polytechnique - Ecole polytechnique (laboratoire CREST)
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation - Publication
Projects funded in the framework of the Call 2017
Topics of the Call for proposals:
- Future of urban transportation systems for goods
- Smart energy management systems: economics and selection criteria
- Energy transition technologies: consumer expectations and citizen attitudes
Selected projects:
- Lateral Electrification - Towards a new power infrastructure development path for Africa based on smart energy management systems - Algorus Consulting
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation
- From the cloud to the ground: Economic and energy dimensions of the smart city though data storage centers 1995-2015 - EAVT
Executive Summary - Full report - Publication
- Citizens Attitude & FeedBack regarding Energy Transition Technologies - K2BPETROLEUM - ePLANETe Blue - MétaMètis
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation
- Citizens in Transition - Algorus Consulting
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation - Best practices
Projects funded in the framework of the Call 2015
Topics of the Call for proposals:
- Local energy integration of urban areas
- Distributed generation, storage and use of energy in urban areas
- Energy efficient and user friendly multi-modal mobility in urban areas
Selected projects:
- Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of New Paradigms and Challenges for Urban Energy Systems - Enerdata
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation
- Local Energy integration in urban areas – Londres, Berlin, Paris - ÉAVT, Université Marne la Vallée, Laboratoire OCS
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation
- Integrating distributed generation in urban areas: IDEpolis - CleanHorizon
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation - Press Release
- Urban microgrid: overview, challenges and opportunities - ENEA
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation - Press Release
- Hubs and new mobilities - LIAT – ENSAM
Executive Summary - Full report - Book
Projects funded in the framework of the Call 2014
Topics of the Call for proposals:
- Regional trends of energy scenarios 2030-2050 and their impact on the transport sector
- Technical and economic potential of power to gas technologies
- Energy autonomy of urban areas
Selected projects:
- Creation of a complete sector vision and supporting materials to assist funding organizations in efficiently supporting Power to Gas, including the consideration of mobility application to increase project profitability - ENEA Consulting
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation
- Power-to-gas – short term and long term opportunities to leverage synergies between the electricity and transport sectors - Hinicio SA and Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH (LBST)
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation
- Small technical systems : new infrastructure of daily life ? - LIAT Laboratoire Infrastructure Architecture Territoire, ENSA Malaquais
Executive Summary - Full report - Presentation - Publication - Book