Cette réunion vous est proposée et sera animée par Jean-Alain TAUPY, responsable du groupe IDées "Transition énergétique vers le bas carbone"
Lundi 5 février 2024 - CCUS - Capture, stockage et utilisation du carbone
Andreas EHINGER, IDées - Bienvenue
Jean-Alain TAUPY, IDées - Introduction
Dr Mathilde FAJARDY, International Energy Agency(IEA) - Energy Technology and Policy division,
CCUS Policies and Business Models – building a commercial market
Dr Mathilde Fajardy is an energy analyst working on carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) at the International Energy Agency. Prior to this role, she was a research associate within the Energy Policy Research Group at the University of Cambridge. Mathilde holds a PhD in Environmental Policy and Process Systems Engineering from Imperial College, where she studied the role of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) in mitigating climate change.
Etienne ANGLES D’AURIAC, TotalEnergies Carbon Neutrality Ventures, Vice-President CCS Business Unit
TotalEnergies CCS
Etienne Anglès d’Auriac is managing the Carbon Capture & Storage business unit of TotalEnergies in Paris.
He has more than 20 years' experience in the Oil and Gas sector, working in various locations such as Dubai, Argentina, France and the UK.
After a first experience in Refining at ExxonMobil in the UK, Etienne joined TotalEnergies with growing responsibilities in technical fields in France and the Middle-East. He then left for a year's training at the INSEAD business school in Fontainebleau. On his return, he held various business development positions in France and in Argentina, including a position of adviser at corporate level for TotalEnergies Executive Committee, he was then Vice-President for Strategy in the Upstream Branch and was, in its latest position, Vice-President for Climate Strategy in Paris.
He graduated from French engineering schools in Paris and holds an MBA from INSEAD
Arthur CALVAT, Ministère de l’Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique, chef de projet stratégie nationale CCUS -Direction Générale des Entreprises
La stratégie nationale CCS
Diplômé de l’école des Ponts, Arthur Calvat travaille actuellement à l’élaboration de la stratégie nationale CCUS piloté par la Direction Générale des Entreprises. Il a travaillé précédemment sur les thématique de décarbonation du secteur des transports, de l’agriculture, de l’énergie & industrie.
Débat : Animé par Jean-Alain TAUPY
Inscription : Par mel auprès d'Elisabeth Mura : elisabeth.mura@fondation-tuck.fr
Lieu de la réunion : La réunion se tiendra en visioconférence. Les informations de connexion seront communiquées avec la confirmation de l'inscription